Bourbon Biscuit Cheesecake

Bourbon Biscuit Cheesecake, This no bake cheesecake is so decadent, the beautifully famous Bourbon biscuits are paired delicately together with the luxurious flavour of Callebaut Chocolate, to give a mouthwatering cheesecake.


Use with an 8 inch fully lined spring form cake tin

450g Bourbon Biscuits

  • 160g Melted Unsalted Butter

  • 200g Double Cream

  • 450g Philadelphia Full Fat Cream Cheese ( this brand works the best as it has less water content, you may not get the same structure with another brand)

  • 150g Melted Chocolate ( we recommend Callebaut Milk Chocolate 823)

  • 2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder ( we use the Callebaut Cocoa Powder pictured below)

  • 50 to 100g Icing Sugar (for a sweeter cheesecake add the 100g. I used 50g for the more traditional cheesecake taste)

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

  • 1/4 tsp Coffee, dissolve this into the vanilla

  • 1tsp Lemon Juice

  • Pinch of Salt

    For the Topping

  • 260g Milk Chocolate ( again we recommend Callebaut 823)

  • 170g Double Cream


    To make the base

    Separate the filling from the biscuit. Snap the bourbon open and with a knife scrape the filling into a bowl. Keep the biscuit and the filling separate. Pop the filling to one side for later.

    Crush the biscuits by either placing them in a ziplock bag and giving them a good old bash, or pop them into a mixer. You can have them like breadcrumbs or a little more textured its up to you.

    Melt the butter and mix into the biscuit crumb.

    Into your lined tin (sides too) pour in the mix and push it all down to form an even level. I find using a potato masher is great, it compacts it in and helps with a level coating. Pop into the fridge.

    Let’s move onto the filling.

    Pour your cold cream into the mixer and turn it on low, using the balloon whisk, as it is going add 1 tsp lemon juice to it. Jo taught me this and it works….even though I didn’t believe her!!!! It helps the mixture to set ( who knew!! I hate it when she is right!) Turn up the speed, just as you see it thickening and forming soft ribbons….STOP. We don’t want curdled cream and this happens in an instant. If you do go to far try adding some more cream to it and gently folding it in.

    To this now pour in the cream cheese, as this is whipping, melt your chocolate and the bourbon filling, that you left to one side earlier. Whip the cream cheese/cream for around 2-3 mins on medium/high. Once the chocolate and the bourbon mixture has cooled slightly add this into the mix along with the cocoa powder, icing sugar, vanilla/coffee mix and the salt. Whip until fully combined, ensuring you scrape down. The mixture should be a thick consistency…see video below for reference.

    Take the tin out of the fridge and pour this over the crumb base, try not to eat it as you go!!!!!! Level it off, I find using the back of a spoon is helpful. Return this to the fridge for at least 6 hours.

    To make the topping, we are going to make a ganache.

    Pour your cream over the chocolate in a microwave proof bowl and pop into the microwave. Melt this in short bursts, it should take around 1 min to melt but do this in 3 stages, stirring each time. If you heat it too fast, for too long, the chocolate may seize which will result in the fats coming out.

    Allow this to cool to around 20-22C/68F-71F then pour it over the “set” cheesecake filling. Leave it longer if it isn’t firm to the touch.

    Return it again to the fridge for a few more hours. It may seem set but the flavours develop over about 8 hours.

    EAT TIME….. remove the spring form and then gently peel the parchment from the sides. Decorate anyway you wish and enjoy xxxxxx

    * I used a 2E nozzle for my decoration

Jinny's Cakes Jinny's Cakes


Bourbon Biscuit Cheesecake, This no bake cheesecake is so decadent, the beautifully famous Bourbon biscuits are paired delicately together with the luxurious flavour of Callebaut Chocolate, to give a mouthwatering cheesecake.

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