Jinny's Cakes

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Christmas Swiss Roll

Easily Adapted into Gluten Free Just Follow The ( ) Below


120g Plain Flour (Doves Plain Gluten Free Flour)

60g Light Brown Sugar

30g Caster Sugar

130g Mixed Dry Fruit

1/4 Tsp Cinnamon

1/4 Tsp Mixed Spice

1/8 Tsp Nutmeg

1/8 Tsp Ginger Powder

1/8 Tsp Salt

1/2 Tsp Bicarbonate of Soda (check gluten contamination in the ingredients)

1 Tsp Vanilla Extract

50g Vegetable/Sunflower Oil

I Tbsp Treacle (Molasses)

4 Large Eggs

Zest of 2 Large Oranges ( from the advice of Lisa Harris our Facebook Group Moderator)


Pre-Heat the oven to 180C/160CFan/350F/Gas 4

Fully Line a 13”X 9” Swiss Roll/ Shallow baking tin

To your stand mixer add the eggs and sugars, using the whisk attachment on medium high, whip these together. The process will take around 6-8 mins, the mix should begin to look doubled in size and all light like a cloud. Stop the mixer and the mix should cling to the whisk, almost like meringue ( well it kind of is, just a yolky one!!! I dunno!!). Jo says it should hold ribbons, so lets say that!!

Now sieve your flour, bicarb, salt and spices in, yes you can moan like me about sieving but you do need to do it, think of it like snowflakes hitting fresh snow compared to giant hailstones hitting it (wow I have floated off……. soz i’m back!). Using the whisk from the mixer by hand, gently fold this in. Then to this add the mixed fruit and zest and again mix this in, gently by hand ( the attachment, not literally your hands!!). Grab another bowl and take out around a tennis ball amount of the batter, to this add the treacle & oil, you can just stir these together. Then transfer this to the “airy” mix in the mixing bowl, using a spatula fold this in…..gently.

Grab your lined tin and pour the mix onto the parchment paper, smooth it out evenly….and gently…. with a palette knife. Bake this in the oven for 14 mins.

Just before it comes out of the oven ( cos we need to move whilst its still hot) grab a sheet of parchment paper and a board, I used a chopping board (see Video) and some caster sugar I added some cinnamon to mine (Lisa again, she’s a good egg)

Ok the oven has gone beep beep, pull out the sponge and using a knife….gently (again!!) make sure it isn’t stuck to the tin. Just go around the edges with a knife. Now the fun bit, sprinkle the top with the sugar/cinnamon mix and place the parchment paper on the top (it needs to be bigger than the tin) now put the chopping board on to this. Time to flip, turn it all over so that the board is on the bottom, then the paper then the sponge. Now it is stable you can remove the board, so that the parchment is on the bottom. Remove the upside down tin and carefully (I’m bored of gently) peel off the paper stuck to the bottom.

Now with a knife cut into the sponge a third of the way in. Do this about a cm into the sponge cutting across the narrowest part (see video) again Jo told me to do this she said it makes a perfect roll!!! She was watching me make it and she’s like a backseat driver!!

Roll this up, rolling the paper into it too. Set it to one side until it is completely cool.

Once cool, have your preferred filling ready and unroll the sponge, carefully. It may not bounce flat as much as regular Swiss roll due to the fruit content. It’s all fine you haven’t done anything wrong.

Spread a layer of filling across the top of the sponge (less toward the end as when you roll it, the filling will squeeze out making the last bit thicker). Now using the paper to guide you roll up the sponge. It may slightly crack due to the fruit, but icing sugar sieved over the top will cover it and it’s so worth it.

Pop into the fridge to set slightly, if you want perfect ends, cut them off and enjoy